In order to limit the spread of hate speech, bots, fake news, and disinformation, Meta frequently bans or has banned accounts on the WhatsApp messaging service. The kind of accounts that have been blocked and the number of accounts that have been banned are both listed in WhatsApp’s monthly report on user safety. The site banned 2.3 million, or over 23 lakh, Indian accounts in August 2022. Startlingly, WhatsApp has been suspending 20 lakh accounts per month for some time. Despite the vast number of deleted accounts, spreading fake information through WhatsApp groups is still a problem in India.
In order to prevent bans, WhatsApp has now officially established a few rules that users must follow. Additionally, WhatsApp recognised that accounts can occasionally be inadvertently banned. Despite your best intentions, you run the risk of having your account banned if you engage in behaviour that is against WhatsApp’s terms of service, such as spamming, committing frauds, or endangering the safety of other users.
In order to identify accounts exhibiting odd behaviour and take the necessary action to stop spam, WhatsApp uses spam detection tools. Therefore, WhatsApp may still block your account even if you send an excessive amount of “Good Morning” messages.
WhatsApp has officially offered some guidance on preventing account bans.
How can I avoid being Banned by WhatsApp?
Don’t just mindlessly forward messages
WhatsApp has developed a label for all forwarded messages and put a cap on the number of times you can send messages in an effort to get users to think twice before sharing. If you are dubious of a message’s veracity or don’t know who sent it, don’t forward it.
Steer clear of automated or mass messaging.
Avoid sending bulk messages, auto-messages, or auto-dials using WhatsApp. WhatsApp uses machine learning tools and user feedback to identify and block accounts that send unwanted automated messages.
Avoid utilising broadcast lists excessively
Only those who have added your phone number to their contact list will be able to receive messages sent using a broadcast list. If you use broadcast messages regularly, others might complain, and WhatsApp will block accounts that have gotten several complaints.
Before including someone in a group, get their consent.
Inquire about contacts’ permission before adding them to a group. If someone decides to leave a group after you add them, respect their decision.
If a contact asks you to stop, erase them from your address book and don’t message them again.
converse with established contacts
Only send messages to persons who have contacted you over WhatsApp or requested it.
Be sure you abide by WhatsApp’s terms of service.
Keep in mind that violating WhatsApp’s Terms of Service, which include, among other things, publishing untruths and acting in an unlawful, threatening, intimidating, or harassing manner, is the reason for an account ban, will result in your account being disabled.