Daily Column – 20th April 2022

It’s been more than 36 hours since a Florida court invalidated the CDC’s federal mask mandate for transportation, and Americans are still trying to figure out what it means.

What you should know is this:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said that it would no longer enforce the mandate on public transportation and airlines just hours after the ruling was issued. Then, like a person in Group D lining up while first class is boarding, US airlines raced to eliminate their mask restrictions.

Masks are now optional for passengers and staff on domestic flights on Delta, American, United, Southwest, and other major carriers.

Pilots announcing the new restrictions in the middle of a flight were greeted with cheering, dancing, and even a spirited singing of “Throw away your masks,” according to videos.

Masks had become a big source of annoyance for airlines, who had lobbied for months to have the requirement lifted. According to the FAA, masking regulations were engaged in 70% of the 7,060 rowdy passengers events documented since January 2021.

Airlines aren’t the only ones who have abandoned their mask requirements as a result of the decision. Amtrak and Uber both suspended their face-covering requirements for passengers and drivers yesterday.

However, the United States’ transportation system is not entirely mask-free. On the following subjects, masks are still required:

Taxis, Uber, and Lyft vehicles are all available in New York City.

Public transportation in Chicago is quite extensive.

Mass transportation in Boston

LA Metro is a public transportation system in Los Angeles.

Furthermore, masks are still required at JFK and LaGuardia airports, implying that passengers must wear them when boarding but not once on board. The same is true in Philadelphia, where a new indoor mask law went into effect recently.

While this may appear strange, specialists believe that the risk of catching Covid is higher in enclosed locations near airports than aboard planes, which are equipped with high-quality filtration systems that circulate fresh air when the engines are running.

In the future,

The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it intends to appeal the verdict, but only if the CDC believes that the mask mandate should be extended. The requirement was supposed to end on May 3rd before the judge revoked it.

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