daily Column – 28th September 2021

Sometimes, during the college days, one must have got engulfed with the due of 3 huge assignments on the same day. That is exactly what the Democrats are going through this week as they are trying to turn into law the signature economic proposals of the president.

Nancy Pelosi, who is the House Speaker is wanting 2 big packages to be passed by the democrats. The first one is, a bipartisan bill of the infrastructure of roughly $1 Trillion and the second one is the spending bill of 3.5 trillion dollars that is going to inject an unprecedented sum of federal dollars into education, net of social safety and mitigation for climate change.

Most importantly, Congress will be funding the Federal government at past Thursday during midnight to avoid shutting down the government partially.

On high stakes

As the Democrats are eyeing the midterm elections which are about to happen next year. Democrats are willing to prove to the voters that they are capable of making a positive difference for the people living in America and also can get the necessary things done.

Let’s Break it down

  •  The package of an infrastructure bill is going to provide 600 billion dollars for fresh funds to upgrade the ageing bridges, electric grid, roads, broadband networks and so on. The bill has already passed from Senate and has received the support of the Republicans. However, the Democrats who are more progressive are willing to give priority to the bill of social spending.
  • The bill for social & environmental spending is a huge lightning rod. While a lot of Democrats are of the view that the bill will be successful in cutting both carbon emissions as well as poverty the Republicans are worried about the price tag of 3.5 trillion dollars.

The shutting down of the government

It is quite obvious that the government shutdown is in no way an option during the pandemic. The lawmakers have said, in order to keep the government functional, with the help of bipartisan support spending of short type can be passed.

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